It's now Friday, March 1st & we were out last night for our Thursday night pub meal with our friends.
Bostons depart tomorrow in their BoataHome, Wendy & Greg are heading out in their van next week, Sue & Mark are already out, but will hopefully be back for tomorrow nights' dinner, before they head out again possibly to Blaze Aid up North, Gail & Graham are heading South next month & possibly to W.A. We are flying out to USA on Tuesday. So that leaves the cycling group a little thin on the ground for the winter. The coffee shop will have to tighten their belt.
I will once more be keeping a Blog of our USA trip, but this is mainly a family trip to visit Roz & Byron & family in Phoenix. It may, therefore, be even more boring than usual.
Blog address-:
We will continue with this Blog, with more inbetweeners, before our next trip, when we return.